Originally performed in Disney’s Broadway musical Beauty and the Beast, “A Change in Me” captures the profound emotional growth of its protagonist. Traditionally sung by a female voice, this arrangement transforms the piece into a heartfelt rendition tailored for tenors. The adaptation raises the key by +7 semitones, optimizing the range for male vocalists while preserving the song’s warmth and intimacy.
The arrangement features a moderate difficulty level, ideal for intermediate to advanced performers. Its vocal range spans from C3 to A4, ensuring accessibility for most tenors while offering a comfortable tessitura that enhances expressiveness. The instrumental accompaniment complements the tenor’s timbre, creating a harmonious balance and underscoring the song’s reflective and inspiring nature.
This version is perfect for tenors seeking a poignant solo piece for concerts, auditions, or special performances. By reimagining the song for a male perspective, it broadens its emotional reach, offering a fresh interpretation that remains true to the essence of Beauty and the Beast.
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