Journey to the Past, from the beloved animated movie Anastasia, is a soaring anthem of hope and self-discovery. Sung by the titular character, this inspiring ballad is one of the most iconic songs from the film’s celebrated score by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens.
This arrangement is in the original key, perfectly suited for sopranos and mezzos, with a range spanning B3 to E5. Featuring the full original orchestration as heard in the film, this version stands out for its professional quality and fidelity to the movie soundtrack. Unlike simplified or piano-only karaoke versions commonly found online, this exclusive instrumental preserves the lush, cinematic sound of the original, making it a rare and valuable resource for auditions, recitals, or personal performances.
Rediscover the magic of Anastasia with this exceptional arrangement, designed to bring the grandeur of the movie’s music to your performance.
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